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Summer Camp for Teenagers
Reset Centrum, Praha
Together with City Council
watch more events of the project

Helping migrants and refugees from Ukraine (women and children) to integrate into Czech society much faster and easier. Creation of a community for people who now need our support and participation.

Open enrolment for the Summer Camp for teenagers in Prague! 

This year we are launching a camp for teenagers (14-17 years old), where there will be an interesting and entertaining programme, an opportunity to try your hand at theatre arts, take part in sports activities, get acquainted with Czech culture, go camping and much more! 

The programme is designed for 5 days
Camp date:
Address: Reset Centrum - Sokolovská 971/193, Praha 9 (vstup z ulice Čihákova). 
 What is waiting for you?   
- The opportunity to discover your creative potential and learn something new. 
- Sports activities   
- Art therapy with an experienced psychologist to develop emotional well-being. 
- The opportunity to make new friends and share unforgettable experiences.  - Class content 

 Who will look after the programme? 
Our camps are organised by experienced teachers and child and youth specialists. Each shift will have two camp counsellors providing safety and support.  

Registration: you need to follow the link and fill in the form:
Applications will be accepted until 15.06

The event is financed by MVČR and the City Administration of Prague 14, within the framework of the project for the integration of Ukrainian refugees and migrants.