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our events
Diverse program by experts of their work aimed at holistic approach to create a space for learning, creation and collaboration among mingrants and refugees.
Training for specialists in the use of t...
Group training - Working with the body t...
Group Training - Working with the body t...
Conversation clubs in the Czech language...
Portfolio development for migrant photog...
Conversation clubs in the Czech language...
Seminar: How to start working in the Bea...
Blogging as a TV series: why blogging sh...
Kurz výtvarné terapie pro mládež v pedagogickém centru LEXIS dne 16. března. "Výtvarná terapie jako nástroj pomoci mladým lidem zvládat stres a úzkost."
Youth Included develops innovative and effective programs with the support of the Prague City Council and EU grants.
We strive to support positive social change by encouraging intercultural dialogue, strengthening mutual understanding and promoting peaceful coexistence between people through joint activities in various fields, such as: IT, theater, art, history, etc.
about our