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IT requalification for women
watch more events of the project

Создание возможностей для женщин-мигрантов в их трудоустройстве на рынке труда путем предоставления им возможности переквалифицироваться или повысить квалификацию в цифровом секторе с помощью специально разработанных учебных курсов.

Youth Included has prepared a unique offer to take part in a FREE "IT Re-qualification for Women" seminar!!

IT is a vast and influential sphere, it already concerns literally every specialist, both in digital and in other areas.

Nowadays there is a broad scale of opportunities: working in IT without writing a single line of code, or you can learn to code complex systems and write optimizing business solutions.

Besides the general information about the ways to entering the IT labor market we will share with you the amazing news about our RIDE project!
10 women will have a chance to go through the training in IT for 10 months totally free of charge with constant coach sessions on your empowerment!

What we will discuss:
-A brief history of IT
-Examples of companies with an analysis of employees, what areas of activity exist in IT
-We look at the market, what skills are needed to get a job right now
Defining fears. What stops you from changing jobs. Results.
-Answering your questions

Price of participation? Free, but register the questionnaire

Networking and education

Why free?
Because Youth Included is a non-profit organization that runs themed events for migrants to get to know, expand and make friends!
This meeting is part of our RIDE project (