Helping migrants and refugees from Ukraine (women and children) to integrate into Czech society much faster and easier. Creation of a community for people who now need our support and participation.
Group training - Working with the body through movement, Letting go of the old
Date: 21.12.2023
Time: 17:30 - 21:00
For whom: For everyone interested
What is intuitive movement?
Intuitive movement and dance has great potential for group work due to the organic and safe nature of the practices. Without dealing with traumatic situations, they allow you to immerse your attention in your body and be with yourself during the class. While the instructor navigates, participants are immersed in exploring their bodies and building new neural connections through unusual movements. In addition, this intuitive movement unlocks body blocks, leading to renewed emotional sensitivity. Emotional numbness is the most common defense mechanism when experiencing stress. This exercise allows you to reclaim your own resources and distribute them in a new way.
What will our session be about?
This session will be about letting go of the year and letting go of everything that no longer serves you. We will shake off all unnecessary things, work instinctively and flow with different expressions of ourselves, letting things go through dancing with the object and coming out of the process through balance.
1. You will learn basic information about the interaction between emotions and the body.
2. We will gradually dive into the body through progressive work with different parts of the body to bring your attention from multiple issues and situations back to yourself. If you think dance is not for you, come) Because we will get you moving and break your stereotype of yourself and give you back your right to move, we will make sure that every movement is a dance.
3. After the break, we'll move on to a limited movement dance that will give you a chance to turn your brain off and enjoy the process.
4. The main part with free dance.
5. We will close the class by working with balance and centering.