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По адресу: nám IP Pavlova 3, Praha 2
(Sídlo Škrábkových 777/4, Praha 9)

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Writing Retreat with Youth Included
Urban Creatives
watch more events of the project

Этот проект направлен на вовлечение молодых мигрантов в ведение более устойчивого образа жизни, повышение осведомленности об устойчивой и экологичной городской среде и обсуждение проблем изменения климата.

We invite you to join the Youth Included Writing Retreat.

Trip program:

* Genres, their clear and blurred boundaries
* Fears of novice writers, getting started with text, where to get inspiration from and whether you need it.
* Building a plot, what should be avoided in the text, how to "squeeze out excess water." Fighting bureaucrats.
* How to protect your ideas from misinterpretation.

Accommodation (near Prague) and the program are free, food at your expense.

19.11 Day 1
16-17.00 Arrival and check-in at the house.
18.00 Evening of acquaintance, conversation about favorite writers, acquaintance with literary genres. Literary games: we describe the same plot but in different genres and imitate our favorite writers. Analysis of the topics that we will write about tomorrow.

20.11 Day 2
8-9.00 Breakfast
9-10.30 Lecture: Why do you need a draft and how to work with it. How to make your text unique and find your style.
11 - 12.30 Lecture: Characters, ideas and plot - three techniques for writers. How to write action scenes and create realistic antagonists.
13-14.00 Lunch
14-17.00 Walk combined with practice to find ideas for creativity.
18-19.00 Preparation for writing the text: Analysis of the topics that we will write about. General discussion of ideas.
19-20.00 Dinner and then free time for creativity.

21.11 Day 3
8-9.00 Breakfast
9-10.30 Lecture: How to write every day and establish a writing process. A portrait of the reader and contact with him.
11 - 12.30 Reading of the resulting works and discussion.



Why for free?

Because Youth Included is a non-profit organization that runs themed events for migrants to get to know each other, expand their network and make friends!

This meeting is part of our Artistic Nomads project (, funded by our dear DZS and Solidarity Corps (