Helping migrants and refugees from Ukraine (women and children) to integrate into Czech society much faster and easier. Creation of a community for people who now need our support and participation.
Harmony of Conscious Dance: The Psychology of Self-Expression
Date: 1 October
Time: 14:00 - 16:00
Place: Centrum BackStage Pešlova 133, 190 00 Praha 9-Vysočany
For whom: Open to all those interested
Duration: 2 hours
Price: Free of charge
How often are we in the full present, ready to fully feel and understand our emotions? Are there times when we experience internal conflicts manifesting as fatigue, emotional tension or even malfunctions in everyday situations? All these aspects are related to how conscious we are of our body and emotional state.
Emotional and physical states are closely intertwined, and often our attention avoids not only emotional experiences but also physical sensations. This can lead to an incomplete perception of reality and even a loss of contact with important aspects of our lives.
As part of our Emotional Harmony workshop, we invite you to explore the psychological aspect of intuitive dance and meditation in movement. This experience will not only reveal to you the magic of movement, but will also be a deep psychological journey inside yourself.
What's in store for you at the workshop:
1️⃣ A variety of practical exercises to get to know the different parts of your body.
2️⃣ Expanding your knowledge base on the relationship between movement and stereotypical thinking.
3️⃣ Techniques for letting go of thoughts and managing attention to achieve emotional freedom.
4️⃣ Experiences of releasing difficult emotions through dance expression.
The workshop focuses on integrating psychological aspects into the practice of intuitive dance and meditation in movement. Even if you have already participated in previous events, our workshop will provide new facets of self-discovery and harmony. Don't miss the chance to meet yourself at a new level of awareness and expressiveness.
The session will be organised with the support of the City of Prague 14 and the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic.
„Uvedená akce je pořádaná v rámci projektu "Integrace držitelů dočasné ochrany na Praze 14 v roce 2023" v ramci projektu na podporu integrace držitelů dočasné ochrany na lokální úrovni v roce 2023, spolufinancovaného Ministerstvem vnitra ČR“