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Training: Managing anger and setting personal boundaries
Centrum BackStage Pešlova 133, 190 00 Praha 9-Vysočany
Together with City Council
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Training: Managing anger and setting personal boundaries

Date: 18 November

Time: 10:00 - 15:00

Place: Centrum BackStage

Pešlova 133, 190 00 Praha 9-Vysočany

For whom: All interested persons

Duration: 5 hours

Price: Free of charge 

Anger is a natural emotion, but uncontrolled anger can have devastating consequences for both personal relationships and well-being. Setting personal boundaries is a key component of psychological health and an important part of self-esteem.

In our training we will look at the following key aspects:

- The nature of anger: Understanding the causes of anger and its function in our lives.

- Psychosomatics of anger: How unprocessed anger can affect your body and mind, leading to chronic stress and illness.

- Anger Management Techniques: Techniques and strategies for effectively controlling angry reactions.

- Setting Personal Boundaries: Developing and applying principles to help you establish and maintain healthy boundaries in relationships.

- Healthy Ways to Express Emotions: Learning how to express anger constructively and appropriately without harming others or yourself.

In our training you will receive:

- Skills for recognising and regulating your own anger.

- An understanding of how to set and maintain personal boundaries in various aspects of life.

- Practical exercises that will help you develop the ability to resolve conflicts constructively.

Join our training to learn how to manage emotions and build healthy relationships with others!

Training facilitator: Igor Drahun

The sessions will be organised with the support of the City of Prague 14 and the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic.

The sessions will be organised with the support of the City of Prague 14 and the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic.