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Intuitive Dance: Slow and Steady in Motion
Together with City Council
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Helping migrants and refugees from Ukraine (women and children) to integrate into Czech society much faster and easier. Creation of a community for people who now need our support and participation.

Intuitive Dance: Slow and Steady in Motion

Date: 28 October
Time: 10:00 - 13:00
Place: Centrum BackStage, Pešlova 133, 190 00 Praha 9-Vysočany.
For whom: Open to everyone
Duration: 3 hours
Price: Free of charge

How often are we in the full present, ready to fully feel and understand our emotions?
Have you noticed a part of you hitting corners, feeling dramatically tired, overeating?

All this and more is related to your level of awareness, your sensitivity to yourself and the world around you.

Intuitive movement will not only be a means of self-expression, but also a powerful tool for coming back to yourself. Through paying attention and doing exercises with different tasks and movement amplitude, you will get in touch with your inner world and create a dance narrative about yourself.

What awaits you at the workshop: 

1️⃣ Familiarisation with the different parts of your body through spot movement work of individual body parts.
2️⃣ Practising slowing down in movement, reclaiming a sense of significance in minimal manifestations and returning to allowing yourself to move freely and widely.
3️⃣ Techniques of letting go of thoughts and volitional work with attention.
4️⃣ Releasing difficult thoughts, being in the space WITHOUT, and perhaps after returning to the difficult, some of it will lose importance.

Numerous practical exercises and dance sessions await you.

The workshop focuses on integrating psychological aspects into the practice of intuitive dance.
We will take into account the therapeutic aspects for a deeper and more conscious perception of yourself and the world around you

The session will be supported by the City of Prague 14 and the Czech Ministry of the Interior.

„Uvedená akce je pořádaná v rámci projektu "Integrace držitelů dočasné ochrany na Praze 14 v roce 2023" v ramci projektu na podporu integrace držitelů dočasné ochrany na lokální úrovni v roce 2023, spolufinancovaného Ministerstvem vnitra ČR“