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Yana Shevchenko

Theatre actress, Television presenter

YI lecturer

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⎯ Graduate of the Prague acting college ⎯ Television presenter on the Czech TV channel Barrandov; ⎯ Theatre actress (Stavovské divadlo, Bravo!, Pidivadlo) and film (Specialisté, Anatomie života, Mise); ⎯ An internship at Radio Český rozhlas; ⎯ Created an author's course based on her own 7 years of experience in accent work based on 20+ sources of materials on speech nuances and trainings of 7 experts in the field of Czech phonetics. ⎯ Instructor of individual and group classes to get rid of the accent (over 4 years); ⎯ Author of workshops for elimination of accent using the tools of orthoepy and speech therapy. ⎯ Trained 400+ students to speak correctly ⎯ Translated with (free version) ⎯ Author of workshops for elimination of accent using the tools of orthoepy and speech therapy. ⎯ Trained 400+ students to speak correctly