Loving Moms Club
Loving Moms Club
Youth Included, with support from Prague 14 and the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic, has established the Loving Moms Club to help women with children from other countries in adapting to life in the Czech Republic.
The goal of the Loving Mothers Club in 2022 was to create a common space of mutual support for women with children within the multicultural migrant community of Prague. To realize this goal, the Loving Mothers Club regularly organized cultural and developmental events, body and voice practices, and psychological support events for participants with the opportunity to leave their babies under the supervision of an experienced educator.
In connection with the war in Ukraine, many women found themselves in a completely new and unpredictable reality of life with a baby in their arms. Therefore, the club's activities are largely focused on psychological, social and support for refugees, in order to make the process of adaptation in the Czech Republic as easy as possible for them.
Now the program for the year 2023 is in the planning stage, but you can already add to the info channels listed at the end of the article not to miss the opening of registration for the Czech language courses and other activities with the support of Youth Included.
In the meantime we'd like to introduce you to last year's program!
Circle of Mutual Support
A huge problem for most migrants and refugees was the feeling of deep loneliness and loss in the new country. The Loving Mothers Club helped mothers and grandmothers to overcome this barrier: to find a new circle of communication, psychological support, to create a zone for themselves, where each mother would feel safe. More experienced women passed on their experience and knowledge, and supported those who needed this help. The main platform for the implementation of support for the participants was a group chat in Telegram and a Facebook group. Participants found information about events on the official Instagram channel, as well as on the Youth Included website. Girls and women could fill out special corner forms to share their needs or offer their support.
Separately, we should mention the importance of group face-to-face meetings, which were sometimes attended by mothers or grandmothers unfamiliar with the club, who later joined the club.
Cultural Events
The Club, supported by the non-profit organization Youth Included, held regular free cultural events for female members in 2022.
These included regular classes
- improvisational dance,
- sound therapy,
- body and psychological practices,
- painting workshops,
- joint holidays, etc.
So that the participants of the club could devote time to themselves, the children would remain in the hands of a caring teacher for the duration of the events.
Exchange of information
In the framework of the club there was also an exchange of important and relevant information about life in the Czech Republic to help them in adapting and solving their problems. The Coordinators of the Club of Loving Mothers regularly published information about current free courses for migrants and refugees, workshops, seminars, retraining courses, and events for Club members. Club members were also able to find educational activities for their babies with the support of Youth Included, a non-profit organization.
Activities for Kids
The Club for Loving Mothers also offered recreational and educational activities for children, and the opportunity to drop off your baby with an experienced tutor during the Mother and Grandmother activities. Leisure activities were primarily aimed at the creative and creative development of the little ones, gaining useful skills through play and body-oriented mechanics. These included a theater group with plastics classes, vocal classes, developmental groups for toddlers ages 3 to 6, drawing comics and neurographics, and courses in emotional intelligence and financial literacy. At the end of the year, there was a Christmas party with gifts for moms, grandmothers and their little ones, supported by Youth Included and Prague 14.
You can find our Club and join as a member or volunteer:
Telegram: https://t.me/+CV7_LKJNNXXAxOThk
Website: https://youthincluded.com/projects/klub-liubiasih-mam-project-praha-14/events
Team Youth Included is a small non-profit organization of young people, professionals who strive to make this world a little better. All their programs are free and supported by grants from the European Union, Czech Ministry of Interior and Prague 14 finances. At the moment they do a lot of programs, lectures and workshops for migrants and refugees from Ukraine (psychological groups, Czech language, requalification courses, etc.).
You can find Youth Included:
Instagram: https://instagram.com/youthincluded/
Telegram: https://t.me/prague14 and https://t.me/youthincluded
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/YouthIncluded, https://www.facebook.com/100070697371322
Contact: office.youthincluded@gmail.com