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По адресу: nám IP Pavlova 3, Praha 2
(Sídlo Škrábkových 777/4, Praha 9)

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Analysis of the idea underwears portrait in practice
Artistic Nomads
watch more events of the project

Создание сообщества и налаживание связей для граждан третьих стран с помощью искусства и культуры. Проект фокусируется на фотографии, традиционном и импровизационном танце, творческом письме, театре и культурных поездках.

Together with the Majak Photography Club, YI has prepared an amazing opportunity for you to attend lectures on photography! 

In this meeting we will practise working with:

  1. 4 models and answer the questions - how to balance our attention?
  2. How to prepare the scene and the camera?
  3. When to say "enough" and move on to the next idea?

The lecture will take place in the cafe Medium 43 at the above address, for registration please contact +420 774 149 480!

Networking and education.

Why free?

Because Youth Included is a non-profit organization that runs themed events for migrants to get to know, expand and make friends!

This meeting is part of our Artistic Nomads project (, funded by our dear DZS and Soliarity Corps (