A platform for networking and realisation of socio-cultural initiatives of third country nationals, easing the economical and social integration, fostering the healthy attitude towards oneself and educating on different skills.
YI has prepared a lecture for you a lecture: "How to cope with anxiety and plan in the face of uncertainty"!
In this lecture we will break down:
- What anxiety and stress are and why they are more dangerous than fear
- What happens to the human brain when anxiety overcomes it
- How to find a foothold in a situation where external supports are destroyed
- How to prevent stress from transforming into a chronic form
- Practical steps to reduce anxiety and stress
- How to plan in a state of uncertainty
Who is suitable?
Anyone who wants to learn how to cope with stress and anxiety on their own, and how to make plans when it seems pointless, is welcome to attend the lecture.
Cost participation?
Free of charge!
Networking and education
Why for free?
Because Youth Included is a non-profit organization that runs themed events for migrants to get to know each other, expand their network and make friends!
This meeting is part of our Society out of the Box project (http://youthincluded.com/portfolio/), funded by our dear DZS and Solidarity Corps (https://europa.eu/youth/solidarity_en)