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Creating iOS and android app course
Avast Foundation
watch more events of the project

Проект, направленный на продвижение и создание возможностей в сфере ИТ для мигрантов. Лекции, семинары и курсы по интеграции на рынке труда в сфере ИТ, получению необходимых навыков в сфере ИТ и устройству на работу в сфере ИТ.

Don't miss this incredible opportunity, Youth Included is offering you a course in English - Creating Apps for iOS and android, all for free! 


To find out more, check out the course outline below:

  • Build your first cross-platform application from scratch in React 
  • Learn more about SPRINT, Agile methods 

Participation fee? 

FREE, but registration is required:


The course consists of 10 lectures, where each lecture is a different topic and takes place on different days

1. Introduction (2.10.21 at 19:00, Address: Politických vězňů 911/8, 110 00 Nové Město)

- Work with Jira, WebStorm, Git

- Work with Jira, WebStorm, Git

- Work with Jira, WebStorm, Git

- Prototyping of the application and the services we will use.

- How to work on the application, basics of SCRUM, workflow

- What you need to get started


2. building the application core (25.10.21 at 14:00, Address: Politických vězňů 911/8, 110 00 Nové Město)

- React: what's in it and what you need to know

- Ionic: how to make it fast and easy

- Setting up a repository


3. planning the first iteration - (08.11.21 at 19:00, Address: Politických vězňů 911/8, 110 00 Nové Město)

- Task assignment, difficulty estimation

- The life cycle of a task as an example

- Answers to questions 


4. required theory for the first iteration (sprint) (15.11.21 at 14:00 ,ONLINE)

- Components

- React hooks: useState, useEffect

- Typescript base


5. closing of the first sprint and opening of a new one (22.11.21 at 19:00, Address: Politických vězňů 911/8, 110 00 Nové Město)

- Retrospective: What worked and where there were difficulties

- Evaluation of effectiveness

- Major errors (according to code reviews)

- Planning of new tasks


6. necessary theory for the second sprint  (29.11.21 at 14:00, ONLINE)

- Redux, Reducer

- Lifetime database 

- Typescript interfaces/types

- Repetition and error code responses


7. closing the second sprint and opening of third (06.12.21 at 19:00, Address: Politických vězňů 911/8, 110 00 Nové Město)

- Retrospective 

- Comparison of performance with my company's statistics

- Analysis of code reviews

- Planning of a new sprint.


8. required theory for the third sprint (20.12.21 at 14:00, Address: Politických vězňů 911/8, 110 00 Nové Město)

- Authorization

- Payments* (if we have time)

- Native functionality 


9-10. bugs fixing, improvements - (03.01.22 at 19:00, Address: Politických vězňů 911/8, 110 00 Nové Město)

- Technical debt and how to get rid of it

- What are we missing for the launch

- General review, retrospective 


Bonus if we have time (26.03.22 at 14:00, Address: Politických vězňů 911/8, 110 00 Nové Město)

Choose one of the topics:

- App release in the AppStore/Google Play

- How I became the youngest employee at Oracle, with no experience or training whatsoever

- Interviews: how we determine if a candidate is a good fit for us


The best students will receive an offer to work in BeeFine services.

The most active and active participants will share 10% of the created app`s profits.



Because Youth Included is a non-profit organisation that runs themed events for migrants to meet, expand their network and make friends!

Networking and education.

Why Free?

Because Youth Included is a non-profit organisation that runs themed events for migrants to meet, expand their network and make friends!

This meeting is part of our Avast project (more about this project: