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Business mentoring program: EDEEY
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Creation of the community with a main focus on Digital and Social Entrepreneurship for the young migrants. Offline course including seminars and mentoring programs, but also online learning platform.

Within a month a team of qualified professionals will teach you how to make any idea viable on the market FREE of charge.


The Mentoring program EDEEY is aimed to build a necessary skillset for the participants to launch any product. The finale of the training program is the Competition btn the participants for the best business plan with a prize of going to London to the final Conference of Edeey! 

The training itself consists of the workshops and practicums within which the participants will deeply study the following topics:

1. Business Strategy. Vision of the product.

2. Market research. Rivalry.

3. Product development. Uniqueness and moto of your company.

4. Technologies and business.

5. Marketing strategy.

6. Social Media marketing and implementation.

7. MVP and POC. Achieving results. Accelerators and Incubators.

8. Fundraising. Using visuals, and resources that sell your startup.

The knowledge will be not only studied, but also immediately put in practice on a certain business idea.

This project is a great opportunity to learn the most in the shortest period of time.

It will be both online and  offline.

Participation is FREE, but you need to registrate:


Because Youth Included is a non-profit organisation that conducts themed events for migrants to get to know each other, expand their network and find friends!

This program is held within EDEEY project, which has been funded with support from the European Commission ( [Project number: 2019-1-UK01-KA205-062214] )

- Curriculum development for young people and youth workers/ educationalists.

- The project delivery of the eLearning platform for participants including two accredited e-courses for: (a) young people, (b) youth workers/ educationalists.

- Face-to-Face Training for participants in all participating countries.

- A Final e-book developed by all partners reporting on findings of research conducted and results of the project. Published in all partner languages (English, Czech, Greek).

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission ( [Project number: 2019-1-UK01-KA205-062214]