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Entering to the labour market. How to begin working in IT?
Avast Foundation
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Проект, направленный на продвижение и создание возможностей в сфере ИТ для мигрантов. Лекции, семинары и курсы по интеграции на рынке труда в сфере ИТ, получению необходимых навыков в сфере ИТ и устройству на работу в сфере ИТ.

YI gives you the opportunity to receive free educational courses, so we've put together an amazing programme for you with a professional!

The forth lecture includes the topic:

How to begin working in IT?

Outsiders think that the IT industry consists of programmers only, but they will be surprised to discover only 4 of 21 popular jobs in IT require hands-on coding skills. To beginning working in IT is not necessarily about learning to code, but also very much about deciding how to apply your existing skills and occupation experience to the contemporary digital world. 

There are well-known entry points to the IT industry, such as: support specialist, junior QA or fronted developer, but more rarely outsiders (or even experienced specialist for the industry) realize that there are multiple ways on getting the first job in IT. The software industry has redefined how employers see the labour market – higher education matters less than skills, knowledge of particular technologies can expire in 3 years, while in the same 3 years of experience, a specialist can obtain a senior title. 

Whether you are a young person dreaming of starting your job in IT, or a grown up searching for a dramatic career change, or even an accomplished software specialist searching to shift the career focus within the IT industry – you are welcome to discover ways and strategies of getting your first/new job in IT.

Cost of participation? FREE, but you need to registrate by phone:


Networking and education.

Why Free?
Because Youth Included is a non-profit organisation that runs themed events for migrants to meet, expand their network and make friends!

This meeting is part of our Avast project!