Project aimed at promoting and creating opportunities in IT for the migrants. Lectures, seminars and courses on integration in the IT labour market, obtaining essential IT skills, and applying for the job in IT.
YI gives you the opportunity to receive free educational courses, so we've put together an amazing program for you with a professional!
The first lecture includes the topic:
How to prepare the best CV? (IT and non IT) + bonus
Did you know that employers on average spend less than 20 seconds on reviewing your CV? (The CV is a curriculum vitae – a short written summary of a person's career, qualifications, and education).
In the digital era, CV is a most important tool to successfully sell yourself as a specialist on the labour market. How to deliver the best offer to the employer in one text file and be certain you will be chosen among thousands of applicants? Most typical mistakes can be easily avoided and therefore maximizing chance to be invited for an interview.
At this lecture we will learn how to prepare the best CV which drags attention, represents your skills, experiences and strong sides. We will review typical mistakes in preparing the CV and how to avoid them. At the end, we will have a QnA session, where you will get actionable recommendations how to structure a CV for your dream job. As a bonus, you will receive a digital template for making the most effective CV of your own.
Cost of participation? FREE, but registration is required
Networking and education.
Why Free?
Because Youth Included is a non-profit organisation that runs themed events for migrants to meet, expand their network and make friends!
This meeting is part of our Avast project!