Community building for the young migrants through arts and acquaintance with the history and culture of the Czech Republic. Lectures on photography and writing, travels and sightseeing with professional guides.
The project is supported by European Solidarity Corps, which offer young people the opportunity to help those in need, to take part in solving societal problems and to work for a more inclusive society. At the same time, it offers the opportunity to gain new skills and work experience, which will improve their position in the labour market.
Сultural power project 2021-1-CZ01-ESC30-SOL-000036727
The organisers of the project are: Liubov Stepanova, Evgeny Fomikhin, Azamat Kassimbekov with the support of the European Solidarity Foundation and the non-profit organisation Youth Included.
Acquaintance with the culture of the country through gastronomy.
Visiting a brewer in Prague.
A practical lesson in compiling travel notes.
Date: 23.10
Time: 15.00
Place: info @Markuza_Anna
Duration: 2 hours.
Language: English
The first mention of beer in the Czech Republic comes from the year 993, when a Czech Bishop Vojtěch built a Benedictine monastery in Břevnov and started to brew the beer there. Discover Prague's beer brewing tradition, visit brewery Victor.
- We will visit the museum, where you can learn what beer is made of and which ingredients give this drink its specific taste.
We invite you to take a journey through the history of beer preparation and consumption not only in the Czech Republic, but throughout the world, starting from ancient times to the present day. - Beer of Plzeň type is considered as the best beer in the world. The brewery uses only natural ingredients. They are noble malt, aromatic hops and specially prepared water.You could explore the process of cooking this glorious drink and taste all varieties of our beer.
Visiting a brewer we will:
- We will discover secrets of the Czech gastronomy and brewing traditions.
- We will learn how to write small notes about travel experience
Экскурсия: Знакомство с культурой страны через гастрономию - Посещение пивоварни в Праге.
Практическое занятие по составлению путевых заметок.
Дата: 23.10
Время: 15.00
Место: инфо @Markuza_Anna
Продолжительность: 2 часа.
Язык: Английский
Первое упоминание о пиве в Чехии относится к 993 году, когда чешский епископ Войтех построил бенедиктинский монастырь в Бржевнове и начал варить там пиво.
- Откройте для себя Пражские традиции пивоварения, и посетите пивоварню "Victor".
- Посетим музей, где вы сможете узнать, из чего делают пиво и какие ингредиенты придают этому напитку специфический вкус.
- Совершим путешествие по истории приготовления и употребления пива не только в Чехии, но и во всем мире, начиная с древних времен и до наших дней.
- Пиво пльзеньского сорта считается лучшим пивом в мире. Пивоварня использует только натуральные ингредиенты. Это благородный солод, ароматный хмель и специально подготовленная вода.
Посетим пивоварню:
- Мы откроем для себя секреты чешской гастрономии и традиции пивоварения.
- Научимся писать небольшие заметки о впечатлениях от путешествия
Networking and education
The project is supported by European Solidarity Corps, which offer young people the opportunity to help those in need, to take part in solving societal problems and to work for a more inclusive society. At the same time, it offers the opportunity to gain new skills and work experience, which will improve their position in the labour market.
Cultural power project 2021-1-CZ01-ESC30-SOL-000036727