Good afternoon!

If you would like to contact us, please contact us:

Address: nám IP Pavlova 3, Praha 2
(Sídlo Škrábkových 777/4, Prague 9)

Kontaktní e-mail:

Or via social media on Telegram: @Interkulturnipracepraha14

How to pass exams for permanent residence and citizenship of the Czech Republic
Avast Foundation
watch more events of the project

Project aimed at promoting and creating opportunities in IT for the migrants. Lectures, seminars and courses on integration in the IT labour market, obtaining essential IT skills, and applying for the job in IT.

YI has prepared an amazing opportunity for you to attend an open lecture on learning Czech!


Generic modules on integration of foreigners in the Czech Republic (2 session)

In the first session we will deal with issues such as examinations for permanent residence and citizenship of the Czech Republic


Follow this link to register:

Networking and education.

Why Free?

Because Youth Included is a non-profit organisation that runs themed events for migrants to meet, expand their network and make friends!

This meeting is part of our Avast project!