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Course «Instagram 2.0», 1/3 (2 lectures at once)
Out of the box society
watch more events of the project

Платформа для сотрудничества и реализации социально-культурных инициатив граждан третьих стран, облегчающая экономическую и социальную интеграцию, воспитывающая здоровое отношение к себе и обучающая различным навыкам.

Who benefits from:
- Beginning and existing entrepreneurs;
- Bloggers;
- Self-employed professionals and experts who want to monetize their blog, pump up social networks and learn how to sell their services / products without selling;
- Anyone who wants to change their profession and go to work online.

What will happen:
- Three days of 3-4 hours of productive work;
- Networking;
- Drawing of the 1st place in the 3-month course "PROFITABLE START-UP SYSTEM"

Forms of work:
- Mini-lectures for 15-20 minutes;
- Working tools and practice;
- Individual work, work in mini-groups, work in a general group.

November 30th
• Marketing analysis
• Instagram trends
• Personal brand
• Unpacking personality / expertise, why is it needed
• Selling profile header