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Course: «Write VS dabbling writer» 1/5
Finding Answers through Writing
watch more events of the project

Использование креативного писательства как средства создания живого сообщества и укрепления правильного мышления у мигрантов. Знакомство с возможностями гражданской активности, укрепление личного потенциала и многое другое.

YI has prepared a fantastic opportunity for you to learn about literate writing techniques and methods!

On the course we will review:
- Purpose, idea and theme as a pillar of any literary work
- Plot, dynamics. Or why some texts are read avidly
- The hero as a living being, not superman frozen in ideal manifestations
- Conflict as the basis of any text
- Dialogues that don't make you want to roll your eyes
- We will ruthlessly read the texts, leaving no chance for sagging.

Networking and education

Why for free?

Because Youth Included is a non-profit organization that runs themed events for migrants to get to know each other, expand their network and make friends!

This meeting is part of our Artistic Nomads project (, funded by our dear DZS and Solidarity Corps (