Платформа для сотрудничества и реализации социально-культурных инициатив граждан третьих стран, облегчающая экономическую и социальную интеграцию, воспитывающая здоровое отношение к себе и обучающая различным навыкам.
Outdoor Community: 7 trips
We invite you for a walk through the most beautiful natural places, not far from Prague, where you can spend time pleasantly and calmly in the company of like-minded people.
In these walks we want to create a community of people who prefer to spend time outdoors, finding inspiration in the rich nature of the Czech Republic.
In our trip program:
26.07.2021 - Morava
19.09.2021- Adršpašsko-teplické skály
22.09.2021- Zřícenina skalního hradu Drábské světničky
24.10.2021 - Stezka korunami stromů krkonoše
15.11.2021- Kokořínsko
14.12.2021-Zámek Blatná
15.02.2021- Morava
Networking and education
Why for free?
Because Youth Included is a non-profit organization that runs themed events for migrants to get to know each other, expand their network and make friends!
This meeting is part of our Society out of the Box project (http://youthincluded.com/portfolio/), funded by our dear DZS and Solidarity Corps (https://europa.eu/youth/solidarity_en)