Создание сообщества и налаживание связей для граждан третьих стран с помощью искусства и культуры. Проект фокусируется на фотографии, традиционном и импровизационном танце, творческом письме, театре и культурных поездках.
We will be shooting content for instagram with underwear.
Our task will be to shoot:
- 5 group portraits.
- 10 single portraits
Networking and education
Why Free?
Because Youth Included is a non-profit organisation that runs themed events for migrants to meet, expand their network and make friends!
This meeting is part of our Society out of the Box project (http://youthincluded.com/portfolio/), funded by our dear DZS and Soliarity Corps (https://europa.eu/youth/solidarity_en)