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The controversial work of the Slovak photographer Miro Švolík and his
Artistic Nomads
watch more events of the project

Создание сообщества и налаживание связей для граждан третьих стран с помощью искусства и культуры. Проект фокусируется на фотографии, традиционном и импровизационном танце, творческом письме, театре и культурных поездках.

In collaboration with the Majak photography club, YI has prepared an amazing lecture about photography and the works of Miro Švolík, author of Flowers of Delight. 

This lecture will give you an insight into one of the most interesting historical stages in the development of modern art.

Together we will analyse how the perception of sexuality has changed in society, how philosophers, artists and photographers have influenced public opinion, where we are now and where we are going. 

Consider the emergence of the Czech school of photography through the example of a particular photographer, Miro Švolík. How the world's political and social environment has influenced artistic perceptions of art. Poeticism and Dadaism as a reaction to the events of World War I - Pop Art and New Vision as a manifestation of protest against consumer society. Perception of sexuality, rejection and acceptance of sexuality by new generations. French philosopher Charles Pierre Baudelaire and his quest to open a new perspective on sexuality, an open dialogue with the reader, and how he influenced contemporary art.

The lecture will be held online, for information contact: +420 774 149 480

The lecture is free of charge for everyone who wants to attend!

Networking and education.

Why Free?

Because Youth Included is a non-profit organization that runs themed events for migrants to get to know, expand and make friends!

This meeting is part of our Artistic Nomads project (, funded by our dear DZS and Soliarity Corps (