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Vocal yoga course 4/5
Out of the box society
watch more events of the project

Платформа для сотрудничества и реализации социально-культурных инициатив граждан третьих стран, облегчающая экономическую и социальную интеграцию, воспитывающая здоровое отношение к себе и обучающая различным навыкам.

Our voice is a powerful tool. We use it to communicate with each other, express ourselves, and often even to understand our inner selves. Speech and singing are natural human activities. We need them to communicate and interact with the world around us. Our voice helps us make ourselves heard. And very often the way it sounds will determine how people see us.
That’s why, when you start paying attention to your voice and working with it, you begin to see positive changes in your life.

During this course you will:

- get to know your voice and the way it works
- practice different breathing techniques
-learn to use your voice in the healthiest manner
- release emotional blocks connected to your voice
- learn to express yourself freely and enjoy your unique voice every day
- gain confidence in your voice and yourself

This course will include:

- Introduction to vocal training
- Pranayama yoga
- Improvisation techniques
- Body-oriented therapy
- Mantra singing

During the course you will need:
- Activated camera on your device
- Comfortable clothes
- Two candles
- Yoga mat (preferably)



Because Youth Included is a non-profit organization that runs themed events for migrants to get to expand their network, help them to integrate, obtain new skills and make new friends!
This meeting is part of our Artistic Nomads project (
), funded by our dear DZS and Solidarity Corps (